Saturday, November 5, 2011

What makes Pentecostals so unique?

Pentecostals belive that the stories of the bible are all true and they still apply to believers. 2 Timoty 3:16

We believe in fasting, praying and over everything in obeying and believing the word of God (The bible). Matthew 17:21

We believe that God speaks to men in many ways as he did before. Hebrews 1:1

We believe that God does not change. James 1:17, Psalm 102:27

Pentecostals believe in a living God and having a personal relationship with Him. Romans 9:26

Pentecostals believe that to know Jesus is to have an encounter with Jesus allowing him to transform our lives. John 3:3, 2 Corinthians 5:17

We value God's anointing, knowledge of the holy scriptures and holiness over human wisdom and academic preparation. James 3:15

Traditional Pentecostals consider an honor to be called servants of God and his church. 1 Timothy 3:13

And finally, speaking in tongues, power of healing, prophesies, are all manifestations of the power of God through The Holy Spirit. Mark 16:17-18