Friday, August 11, 2017

Real power

"And you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes to you."

I used to belief that the Lord Jesus was talking about supernatural power of miracles, speaking in tongues, healing and all those things that excite every one.  Then, I noticed that the Lord Jesus early in his ministry send the disciples to cast devils and heal the sick.  The apostles have authority of doing many things while they were walking with Jesus.  But, the Spirit was not in them.

So, Jesus wasn't really taking about these things.  Jesus makes a promise to the believers in Mark 16:17-18.  This passage is controversial to many who deny the last 8 verses of the chapter 16 of Mark.  However; these verses are backup by Luke in the book of Acts when Paul was bitten by a serpent. 

Anyhow; the point of the matter is that the power the Lord was talking about was to be efficient on destroying the works of the devil.  Then the author of Galatians tell us that the fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, peace.  In other words, this is what the Spirit of God produces in us.  And then Galatians 5:22-23 says that against these fruit; there is no law.  In other words, by living constantly bearing spiritual fruits of love, joy, peace, faith, goodness, patience, self-control, meekness, we had overcome even the law (And by overcoming the law, we overcome what separate us from God and what produces death).

The only purpose of receiving power is to destroy the works of the devil.  "Love covers multitude of sins."  If our love can turn people from the wrong path into the right one.  All this fruit of the Spirit can turn bad into good and have power to destroy the works of the devil with faith, peace, patience, etc.

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