Friday, August 11, 2017

Trinity versus One God

The first commandment given to God's people is
"Listen oh Israel, the Lord your God is One God."

Trinity contradicts the first commandment of God.

Then Jesus says in Matthew 28:19 to go all around the world and make disciples baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  This drives the listener to think that our Lord Jesus is taking about three different names of three different personalities called Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

This is probably where the idea of trinity comes from.

The true is that the command of Jesus is to baptize in one single name.  And this same name seems to be given to the Father, and also to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. 

So, what is the name of the Father?  In the old testament we believe the name of God is Jehovah.  The name of the Son, we are sure is Jesus, but what is the name of the Holy Spirit? 

In the book of Acts; we then see that the apostles baptize in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

The book of Hebrews tells us that Jesus inherited a name that is over any other name and that every knee shall bow before him.  Jesus teaches us to ask everything in His name, and them the apostles also teaches us to do everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Should we use the name of Jehovah as the name of the Father since the Father is greater than the Son?

There is nothing telling us that the name of Jehovah is greater than the name of Jesus.  But the scripture tells us clearly that there is no other name under Heaven in which we can be saved neither greater. 

Did the apostles used the name of the Lord Jesus as the name of the Father and also the Holy Spirit when they baptized in the name of the Holy Spirit?

We are trying to follow the bible literally.  Then Matthew 1:18 "she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit."

Here the father of Jesus is the Holy Spirit. 
In the upper Room Philip tells Jesus show us the Father it is sufficient to us.  Jesus responded "So long, I've been with you and yet you do not know me?"  Jesus said "whosoever had seen me; had seen the Father"  He also said: the Father and I are one.  Jesus also said; the Father is greater than I.  Jesus also said: "The Lord your God is One God."

Jesus is also called the Anointed One; "The Christ"
Jesus will be called Emmanuel which is "God with Us" because indeed He was God with Us.

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